Worship on Sunday 29th October

Morning worship at Cumbernauld Old on Sunday 29th October will take place in the Parish Church at 11.00am GMT and will be led by Isaac Mccleary, a lay Reader and member of Moodiesburn Parish Church. Everyone welcome!

As this is the last Sunday of the month, we’ll have our regular stall of Fairtrade goods for sale and will be serving tea and coffee in the church after the service.

Rev Fiona Crawford, is on sick leave at the moment, so please keep her in your prayers as she makes her recovery. In her absence please contact our deacon, Valerie Cuthbertson DCS, or Rev James Gemmell for any urgent pastoral issues. Their details are on the Contact Us page of our website.

Fundraising Concert

A reminder of our fundraising concert on Friday 27th October at 7.00pm in Cumbernauld Old Parish Church featuring the Bruadar Duo.
Lynn Strang on flute and Kieran McCrossan on classical guitar will present a programme of music from Scottish composers, Welsh folk songs, Romanian folk dances and music by Italian composer Roberto di Marino. Based on their past visits, this is a concert not to be missed.
Entry is by voluntary donation. Hope you can join us!

The Prayer Course

The Prayer Course continues on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the St Mungo’s church building. The course helps us to journey through the Lord’s Prayer, with 24-7 Prayer founder Pete Greig and co-host Poppy Williams and is made up of around 20 minutes of a video, 20 minutes discussion and 20 minutes where we explore different types of praying. Look forward to seeing you there!

Village Food Bank

Our Village Food bank is open every Thursday from 10.30 – 12.30 in the Parish Church.
Suggested donations include: Tins, jars or packets of spaghetti, beans, meat balls, stew, ravioli, cold meat, hot dogs, pasta, soup, sauces, fruit, custard, rice, carrots, peas, etc., biscuits, jam, meat paste. Toiletries including shower gel, soap, shampoo and deodorant. These can be left at the church any Sunday. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Quiz Night fund-raiser

By popular demand, we have arranged another Quiz Night fund-raising event in Cumbernauld Bowling Club with our favourite quiz master, Calum Cormack. It takes place on Friday 10th November at 7.30pm and entry costs £5.
Please put that date in your diary and pass the word round. Tickets are available from Elizabeth Snedden at church any Sunday.

Book Group

The Book Group that meets in Cumbernauld Old Parish Church next meets on Tuesday 7th November at 2pm, when the current books, ‘Silence’ by Shusaku Endo and ‘The Joy Luck Club’ by Amy Tan, will be discussed.
This group is free and open to everyone who likes reading and discussing the books they’ve read.

Adult Fellowship

The Adult Fellowship of Kildrum and St Mungo’s and Cumbernauld Old Parish Churches next meets on Wednesday 8th November at 2.00pm in the meeting rooms at St Mungo’s church building. Our speakers this month will be Chris and Hilda Dunn, who will be sharing reflections on their recent trip to Canada.

Christmas Fair

Kildrum and St Mungo’s Church is holding a Christmas Fair on Saturday 2nd December between 10am and 1pm. Tickets are £3 / adults or £1 / Children and includes cakes and tea / coffee.
Donations of home baking would be appreciated also any unwanted gifts sets can be given to Maria. There will be a craft table, Christmas hamper, tombola, and floral table decorations available for sale. Hope to see you there!

Worship on Sunday 22nd October

We welcome our Team Minister, Rev James Gemmell to lead us in worship at Cumbernauld Old on Sunday 22nd October. Our service will take place in the Parish Church at 11.00am and everyone is welcome.
Please also join us for a tea or coffee in the Session House after the service.

Rev Fiona Crawford, is on sick leave at the moment, so please keep her in your prayers as she makes her recovery. In her absence please contact our deacon, Valerie Cuthbertson DCS, or Rev James Gemmell for any urgent pastoral issues. Their details are on the Contact Us page of our website.

Village Foodbank

Our Village Food bank is open every Thursday from 10.30 – 12.30 in the Parish Church.
Suggested donations include:
Tins, jars or packets of spaghetti, beans, meat balls, stew, ravioli, cold meat, hot dogs, pasta, soup, sauces, fruit, custard, rice, carrots, peas, etc., biscuits, jam, meat paste. Toiletries including shower gel, soap, shampoo and deodorant. These can be left at the church any Sunday.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

The Prayer Course

The Prayer Course, which we ran at Cumbernauld Old in March and April, is being repeated, this time on Wednesday evenings at 7pm, starting on Wednesday 25th October at Kildrum and St Mungo’s.
The eight-week course helps us to journey through the Lord’s Prayer, with 24-7 Prayer founder Pete Greig and co-host Poppy Williams and is made up of around 20 minutes of a video, 20 minutes discussion and 20 minutes where we explore different types of praying. It is open to all, so if you want to explore prayer further, you will be made very welcome.

Kirk Session

Elders of Cumbernauld Old Parish Church are asked to note that the Kirk Session meeting scheduled for Thursday 26th October has been postponed. The meeting will now take place on Thursday 9th November at 7.30pm in the church. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this late change of date.

Fundraising concert

We are delighted to be hosting a concert by the amazingly-talented Bruadar Duo on Friday 27th October at 7.00pm in the Parish Church. The concert, featuring one of our talented organist team, Lynn Strang, on flute and Kieran McCrossan on classical guitar, will have a programme of music from Scottish composers, Welsh folk songs, Romanian folk dances and music by Italian composer Roberto di Marino.
Entry is by voluntary donation. Hope you can join us!

Quiz Night

By popular demand, we have arranged another Quiz Night in Cumbernauld Bowling Club with our favourite quiz master, Calum Cormack. It takes place on Friday 10th November at 7.30pm and entry costs £5.
Please put that date in your diary and pass the word round. Tickets are available from Elizabeth Snedden at church any Sunday.

Church Magazine

It’s that time again! We’re looking for news items, reports, and any other articles for publication in the next Church newsletter. Please pass them to Ivar Struthers by Sunday 5th November, and preferably before then. 
We aim to have the completed magazine ready for collection and delivery by Sunday 19th, ie two weeks before the December Communion. As well as looking back over the last few months, this will also be your opportunity to let people know what various activities are planned during Advent and Christmas and into the early New Year.

Christmas cards

The Fundraising Group is again selling Christmas cards this year to raise funds for the church. The cards are the same design as last year, as they were so popular, and the cost is £4 for a pack of 10, so great value. If you would like to buy a pack or two (or more!) please speak to any member of the Fundraising Group. Thank you.

St Andrew’s Night social

Kildrum and St Mungo’s Parish Church is planning to hold a St. Andrew’s Day Social event on the evening of Friday 1st December. They’re currently looking for volunteers to help put the event together. If you can help and be part of a team to organise the event, please speak to James Gemmell. There will be more details of the event itself nearer the time. (Kildrum and St Mungo’s is a partner church of Cumbernauld Old.)

Phew! If you have read this far, award yourself a medal (or at least a cup of tea and a biscuit!) Just one of those weeks where there is a lot going on.

Worship on Sunday 15th October

Please join us for morning worship at Cumbernauld Old on Sunday 15th October. Our service will take place in the Parish Church at 11.00am and will be led this week by Ivar Struthers, one of our elders and a Reader with Glasgow Presbytery. Everyone welcome!

Our minister, Rev Fiona Crawford, is on sick leave at the moment, so please keep her in your prayers as she makes her recovery. In her absence please contact our deacon, Valerie Cuthbertson DCS, or Rev James Gemmell for any urgent pastoral issues. Their details are on the Contact Us page of our website.

Mission Circle

The Mission Circle collection at Cumbernauld Old on Sunday 1st October raised £60 to support our Mission Partners’ work for South Africa. Thank you all so much.
The church there is using that money to buy food supplies for the children at the holiday club and also simple, basic equipment for activities: balls, books and table games.
Thanks again everyone, and watch out for our ‘big red bucket’ when it reappears in November!

Christmas cards

The Fundraising Group is again selling Christmas cards this year to raise funds for the church.  The cards are the same design as last year, as they were so popular, and the cost is £4 for a pack of 10, so great value.  If you would like to buy a pack or two (or more!) please speak to any member of the Fundraising Group. Thank you.

Worship on Sunday 8th October

We invite you to join us for morning worship at Cumbernauld Old on Sunday 8th October. Our service will take place in the Parish Church at 11.00am and will be led this week by our Interim Moderator, Rev Mark Malcolm. Everyone welcome!

Please also join us for a tea or coffee in the Session House after the service.

Harvest Appeal

The response to our Harvest Appeal, held on Sunday 1st October was wonderful. So many donations of various foods and toiletries as well as cash totalling £60. This support will make a tremendous difference to the work of the food banks both in the Village and at Bethlehem House of Bread at Cornerstone, especially as the colder months are almost upon us.

The generosity and kindness consistently shown by our congregation and community is greatly appreciated by all associated with the food bank. And for that please accept our heartfelt thanks.
Our Bibles tell us that everything belongs to God but we are entrusted to share it wisely and responsibly – to be good neighbours, to notice, to stop and to act justly. Each Harvest donation is a fitting example of not just sharing resources but also showing the love and hope of the gospel.

Fundraising concert

A new date has been scheduled for the concert by the Bruadar Duo and it will now take place on the evening of Friday 27th October in the Parish Church. The concert, featuring one of our talented organist team, Lynn Strang, on flute and Kieran McCrossan on classical guitar, will have a programme of music from Scottish composers, Welsh folk songs, Romanian folk dances and music by Italian composer Roberto di Marino.
Entry is by voluntary donation. Hope you can join us!

Christmas Cards

The Fundraising Group is again selling Christmas cards this year to raise funds for the church.  The cards are the same design as last year, as they were so popular, and the cost is £4 for a pack of 10, so great value.
 If you would like to buy a pack or two (or more!) please speak to any member of the Fundraising Group. Thank you.