World Mission Stamp Appeal

Following the success of last year’s appeal the congregation of Cumbernauld Old Parish Church is being invited to collect their used stamps over the Christmas and New Year period for the Church of Scotland’s World Mission Stamp Appeal.

This year’s Stamp Appeal will support the Church of South India’s Othara Eco-Spirituality Centre, where people can learn about climate change and the importance of conserving the earth God has given us. In particular, the money raised from the sale of these stamps will support some of the CSI’s ecological innovations including the harvesting and re-use of rain-water, the establishment of a biogas plant to power the kitchens and the development of a small dairy and chicken farm for native breeds. [Source: The Church of Scotland World Mission Council.]

More information about this project is available from the posters on display in the Parish Church in the Village and at the Forge in Balloch. A collection box for used stamps will be available at both worship centres until Sunday 22nd January. Just think of it as your own personal bit of recycling over the Christmas period!