Christmas Gift Appeal 2023

We look forward with joy and hope to celebrating our Saviour’s birth at Christmas and what this means to us as Christians. Yet we are mindful of those less fortunate in our midst who struggle to find the joy and hope or indeed the peace of Christ’s birth.

‘Emmanuel’ means God is amongst us. What better way of showing God’s love than to share it with those we encounter. At worship at Cumbernauld Old on Sunday 10th December we will be holding our Christmas Gift Appeal in support of the food banks both here and at Bethlehem House of Bread at Cornerstone Church. If you are able, please bring your donations along to Sunday worship on the 10th December. Gifts for all ages are welcome, preferably unwrapped (to allow for easier distribution). A special request for gift vouchers for teenagers has been made, which is something I think we can all understand.

Grateful thanks for all your steadfast support for the food bank throughout the years, both practical and in prayer. Your response especially during our special appeals has been nothing short of amazing and it’s never ever taken for granted. Your compassion and generosity make a difference and it’s a privilege to witness that first hand.

Harvest Appeal 2023

On Sunday 1st October Cumbernauld Old Parish Church will be holding our annual Harvest Appeal in support of the Village food bank and Bethlehem House of Bread at Cornerstone.

Whilst the Village food bank has been quieter than in the past, Cornerstone has continued to assist significant numbers of people. Our friends there have been so grateful for all the support and donations they have received from our congregation and wider community over the years. As we face another season of uncertainty your help couldn’t be more important.

You can support the food bank in many ways by simply including all those involved in your prayers. And if you are able, popping a donation in the collection box in the church vestibule any Sunday morning or responding to our Harvest Appeal itself on the day. All donations of packet or tinned foods are welcome, as are everyday toiletries. Thank you for being part of this outreach.

Easter Egg Appeal latest

Now that we have counted, bagged and delivered your Easter Egg donations, we’d just like to say again what an amazing response to our recent Easter Egg Appeal! It may have been our biggest collection of chocolate eggs ever with almost 200 eggs gathered in.

Once again a heartfelt thank- you to all who supported this venture. All the eggs are safely on their way to Bethlehem House of Bread for distribution locally. It‘s truly wonderful and humbling to see such an outpouring of love and concern for others.

Food Bank Re-Opening Update

Following a recent relaunch meeting which was very well supported, it was decided to reopen the Village food bank in the sanctuary of Cumbernauld Old Parish Church (ie the church itself rather than the session house) on Thursday 27th April from 10.30 – 12.30.

In preparation for this, a planning day is scheduled for Thursday 20th April at 11am in the church. The purpose of this meeting is to sort out the logistics of how the food bank will actually work in the new setting. All interested parties are warmly invited to attend.

If anyone is unable to attend but still wants to be involved please contact Sandra on 07780 452549 or leave us a note below, which we will pass on. Many thanks!

Easter Egg donations

A massive thank you to everyone who has donated Easter eggs for the House of Bread food bank at Cornerstone. Everyone has been so generous and we are genuinely humbled by the number of donations received.

There is still time to drop eggs at the Manse as we will be taking them to Cornerstone on Sunday afternoon. Likewise, if you wish to make a cash donation to the food bank, please pop the money in an envelope, seal it and drop it through the Manse letterbox. We’ll take the monetary donations up to Cornerstone when we are dropping off the eggs. Thank you once more!

Easter egg donations 2021

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Like many things this year, the annual Gift Service at Cumbernauld Old Parish Church was a bit different in that it was online.

What didn’t change was the response. The compassion and generosity of all who contributed was wonderful to behold. A great array of children’s toys & books, gifts for all ages and festive foods – not forgetting a selection of Cumbernauld Old’s very own chocolate orange Santa hats. If that were not enough, over £500 was donated in cash too.

Gift Service at Cumbernauld Old, 13-12-2020

All of the above has now been safely transported to Bethlehem House of Bread at Cornerstone who will distribute them on our behalf. The cash can be used to buy fresh items or gift vouchers for those in need – and there are many, including around 240 children who will benefit from your thoughtfulness.

So once again. a heartfelt thank you for the unwavering support of the food bank, especially in these strange and troubled times. Your kindness will indeed bring tidings of comfort and joy.

A safe & peaceful Christmas from all at the food bank

Harvest Generosity

This Sunday is our Harvest Festival at Cumbernauld Old and, as we won’t be able to worship in the church building, we had asked if people could perhaps drop off some Harvest gifts at the Manse for passing on to our sister Food Bank at Cornerstone House.

Suffice to say, we have been both amazed and humbled by the enormous generosity of the people in our community. Elspeth has taken the gifts received so far and laid them out at the church. The photos below will give you some idea of the astonishing response to our appeal, and it’s still only Thursday!

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! For the difference it will make to those who will receive the goods you have donated, many, many thanks!

Happy New Year from Cumbernauld Old

Cumbernauld Old Parish Church wishes everyone a joyful and peaceful New Year and extends a warm welcome to visitors and members alike to our worship services and activities.

  • Morning Worship on Sunday 5th January is at 11.00am in the Parish Church.
  • Our Craft Group resumes on Monday 6th January at 1.00pm in the Session House.
  • The Men’s Group have a guest speaker on Tuesday 7th January at 7.30pm in the Session House.
  • Our Bible Study ‘Jesus, the Game Changer’ resumes on Thursday 9th January at 3.00pm in the Session House and will now take place every week. (Previously it ran fortnightly.)
  • The Food Bank is open every Friday from 11.00am – 12.30pm in the Session House.