Happy New Year from Cumbernauld Old

Cumbernauld Old Parish Church wishes everyone a joyful and peaceful New Year and extends a warm welcome to visitors and members alike to our worship services and activities.

  • Morning Worship on Sunday 5th January is at 11.00am in the Parish Church.
  • Our Craft Group resumes on Monday 6th January at 1.00pm in the Session House.
  • The Men’s Group have a guest speaker on Tuesday 7th January at 7.30pm in the Session House.
  • Our Bible Study ‘Jesus, the Game Changer’ resumes on Thursday 9th January at 3.00pm in the Session House and will now take place every week. (Previously it ran fortnightly.)
  • The Food Bank is open every Friday from 11.00am – 12.30pm in the Session House.